Quiet leaders want change, not limelight

  • May 01, 2007

People define quiet leaders by what they’re not. They’re not making big-deal decisions. They’re not at the top of the food chain. They don’t...

How George H.W. Bush endured Watergate

  • March 01, 2007

Just after Richard Nixon won reelection in 1972, he asked his ambassador to the United Nations to become chairman of the Republican National Committee.

Artie McGovern, branding pioneer

  • January 01, 2007

Nowadays, when you hear about celebrities turning themselves into brands, it’s nothing special. In 1925, it was.

Why Henry Ford doubled wages

  • December 01, 2006

When Henry Ford announced Five-Dollar Day in 1914, it created a sensation. Overnight, the Ford Motor Co. would double the standard wage of automobile workers. Why did...

Ben Franklin on continuous improvement

  • September 01, 2006

Benjamin Franklin managed to set up America’s first publishing chain, public library, fire department and nonsectarian university; plus “discover”...

Mike’s sells the rumble, not the Harley

  • September 01, 2006

In 1992, Mike Schwartz walked into a Harley-Davidson dealership in Delaware … and learned that he’d have to wait a year and half for his bike. Convinced...

How Snapper’s CEO said ‘No’to Wal-Mart

  • August 01, 2006

When he acquired high-end lawn mower manufacturer Snapper in 2002, CEO Jim Wier’s lowest-priced machine sold for about $350. Because Wal-Mart also sold six other...

Basics from the Law of the Edge

  • July 01, 2006

Professional football teams are fairly evenly matched. What makes the difference between winners and losers is leadership. John C. Maxwell calls it the Law of the Edge,...

The pillars of Army leadership

  • May 01, 2006

In 1973, the U.S. Army training manual outlined a leadership philosophy called “Be, Know and Do.” Over the years, a number of leaders have credited that...

Rudy Giuliani’s 6 leading principles

  • May 01, 2006

When former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani spoke at a conference hosted by the Center for Creative Leadership last year, he named six essential qualities of great...

Marcy Blochowiak on empowerment

  • April 01, 2006

Someone once advised Marcy Blochowiak, head of the Georgia-based financial services marketing firm World Financial Group, that she would have to lead herself before she...

Jerry Lewis on taking criticism

  • March 01, 2006

In 1953, Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis played London’s Palladium, the first appearance in England for what back then was America’s top entertainment act. The...

Three components of strong leadership

  • March 01, 2006

Leaders run a high risk of burnout as they move from one real-world challenge to the next. Stay strong by realizing that you need to continually learn and grow in three...

The Wall Street hustler who never retired

  • March 01, 2006

When John H. Slade died, one obituary made a telling error in saying that he had worked at Bear Stearns for “seven centuries.” Actually, it was only seven...

Behold GE’s 5 growth-leadership traits

  • March 01, 2006

For a while now, General Electric’s top dogs have been studying companies they admire, like Dell and Toyota, seeing how they do things and trying to figure out...