To build a positive workplace culture, you must deal with negativity and energy vampires head on. CEO Dwight Cooper dealt with the negativity problem by creating a...
Leadership thinker Steven Little performs a test during hotel stays. He asks room service for a milkshake. If he’s told it’s not on the menu, he walks...
British entrepreneur Richard Branson has turned his Virgin brand into a
conglomerate of more than 350 companies. His unique leadership style
requires some studying:
A recent Gallup Poll says less than one-third of U.S. employees are actively engaged in their jobs. That’s why it’s important for managers to watch for the...
In his latest book, Why Decisions Fail,
scholar Paul C. Nutt analyzes 15 disastrous courses of action, from
Ford’s defense of the flammable Pinto to...
Sometimes, a leader’s duty is simply to ensure the institution’s
survival. In the case of Queen Elizabeth II, her duty is to preserve
the British monarchy,...
Procter & Gamble Chairman and CEO A.G. Lafley tells a tale of
getting down to core issues when a valuable employee wants to leave. It happened when Lafley once resigned...
As a graduate assistant at the University of Tennessee, football coaching prodigy-to-be Jon Gruden found himself passing a note to assistant coach Walt Harris during an...