Star Trek analogy conveys tough concept

  • July 28, 2014

David Pensak faced a challenge during the early days of the Internet. He wanted people to understand the purpose of a firewall. But they were still grappling with the...

Combine hard and soft data

  • July 24, 2014

We tend to admire leaders who proclaim, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” But what if that’s not necessarily true?

4 ways to build your people skills

  • July 23, 2014

Top leaders connect with others easily, emphasizing shared interests and minimizing resistance. Try these techniques to communicate better with colleagues.

Unleash free flow of information

  • July 03, 2014

For many years, executives tended to control the flow of information in their organization. They would limit who had access to data and expend much effort ensuring...

WWII colonel risked life with squad

  • June 12, 2014

In November 1942, Col. Curtis LeMay delivered a briefing to his World War II bomber pilots. He told them they would fly directly toward the target, maximizing the risk...

Dynegy CEO sets ‘be here now’ culture

  • March 27, 2014

Leaders cannot talk their way out of a deteriorating business. To reverse course, take bold steps. Bob Flexon became Dynegy’s CEO in July 2011; four months later,...

How to relate? Create CEO ‘user manual’

  • March 13, 2014

Ivar Kroghrud sees himself as “chief ironing officer.” In his 13 years as CEO of QuestBack, he spent much of his time ironing out employees’ problems....

My Lessons in the Coal Mine

  • March 06, 2014

This week, I had the incredible opportunity to tour one of the most productive coal mining operations in the United States. The River View Mine outside of Waverly, Ky.,...

Millennials take lead in workplace

  • February 14, 2014

The demographic pie in today’s workplace divides up fairly evenly. Here’s the percentage of the workforce occupied by the four most recent demographic...

Calling the shots with some chutzpah

  • January 23, 2014

Typically, a CEO who seeks to impress an important client will defer to the client’s wishes. But Linda Kaplan Thaler isn’t a typical CEO. As chief executive...

Leadership lessons from Mayberry

  • January 09, 2014

With the passing of actor Andy Griffith in 2012, his most famous TV character, Sheriff Andy Taylor of Mayberry, is worth another look for his low-key brand of...

Dilbert’s creator talks about the passion

  • January 03, 2014

Cartoonist Scott Adams has written a book that skewers traditional business self-improvement manuals as deftly as Catbert the Evil Director of Human Resources ...

For Chipotle’s Steve Ells, less is more

  • December 05, 2013

Leaders of large organizations cannot meet regularly with every employee to reinforce important points. So a CEO needs to take creative steps to communicate to a...

Buying into the company culture

  • November 21, 2013

Rob Eberle, president and chief executive of Bottomline Technologies, cites three things as his primary roles as CEO: bring in new talent, help his people get better...

Lego’s new mantra: Simplify

  • November 07, 2013

In the family-owned Lego toymaker, innovation over time had brought on way too much complexity. Enough was enough.

Are You Willing to Change?

  • October 17, 2013

Let me get personal and direct and maybe even get in your face a bit. If you want change to happen in your organization, you’ve got to be willing to change too....

The power of shared values

  • October 16, 2013

"Great leadership is not a solo act," says Robert Vanourek, chairman emeritus of the Vail Leadership Institute and co-author of Triple Crown Leadership. "It's a group...

Use a RULER to measure how you feel

  • October 14, 2013

Yale University researcher Marc Brackett and his team have identified five key skills—what he calls the RULER approach—that sharpen emotional intelligence.

Customers or Employees — Who Comes First?

  • October 10, 2013

Perhaps the oldest conundrum of all is — which came first, the chicken or the egg? Perhaps the oldest in the minds of savvy leaders is what is more important, my...