Gamble on stupid ideas—and win!

  • April 03, 2018

In the late 1970s, Richard Fain was stuck on a sinking ship, cargo shipping company Gotaas-Larsen Shipping. Rather than play defense, Fain proposed that the board of...

When you gotta go with your heart

  • March 15, 2018

In 1988, at age 33, Miles White turned down the chance to head the Asia Pacific region for a division of Abbott Laboratories. Why? His wife wanted to open a children’s...

Harrison Ford on … waiting tables

  • March 09, 2018

He always was a hard worker, but it was Harrison Ford’s ability to push beyond good to excellent that propelled him into leadership.

What exactly is ‘leadership energy’?

  • March 05, 2018

Despite the money spent annually on leadership development, writes Rejeev Peshawaria, CEO of Iclif Leadership and Governance Center, it is not working because it is...

The millennial conundrum

  • January 23, 2018

“If you’re being critical, then don’t talk about it in terms of failure. Instead, reframe it as an opportunity for lessons learned or positive steps to take in the...

Avoid project management traps

  • December 21, 2017

Andrew Makar is all too familiar with project management challenges. An information technology consultant, he has learned how to avoid potholes and stay on track.

A CEO bets on attitude, not expertise

  • October 12, 2017

Ed Clark, the longtime leader of TD Bank Group, a Canada-based financial giant, spent his career challenging the image of the loud, take-charge CEO.

For Bill Gates, tirades came at a cost

  • August 22, 2017

In February 1985, Ida Cole joined Microsoft as one of its first female vice presidents. Within months, her relationship with the mercurial Bill Gates worsened. His...

Positive vs. negative leadership

  • August 22, 2017

Being negative solves nothing—and more often than not, it causes people to shut down and disengage, says Jon Gordon, author of The Power of Positive Leadership.

What do you really know about your customers?

  • July 05, 2017

Knowing which customers are spending more or less is the ultimate metric for tracking and analyzing performance. Understanding customers starts with collecting data, and...

Credibility is your most important asset

  • June 28, 2017

Although supervisors need a wide array of people skills and certain technical abilities, nothing is more critical to supervisory success than credibility. When...

Leadership secrets from Lego

  • June 01, 2017

Jorgen Vig Knudstorp has been Lego’s “master builder” of the company’s turnaround since 2004. At the time, Lego was losing $1 million a day. Now...

Why aren’t you celebrating failure?

  • May 25, 2017

Most leaders like to celebrate success. But if you want employees to innovate, think about the benefits of celebrating failure, too. After all, no less sweat, toil or...

10 finer points of strategy

  • May 08, 2017

Quality, innovation, profitability, and growth all depend on having strategy and execution fit together seamlessly.