Privacy is a top concern for businesses, employees, and consumers. You’ve likely seen headlines in the past or received notices of a large consumer data breach. You...
Company credit cards are a useful tool to help reduce the financial burden on employees who travel frequently for work or regularly incur other charges on behalf of the...
Providing stipends is a great way to streamline your travel and expense reimbursement processes. A stipend is a fixed amount of money paid to an employee to cover fringe...
Company-issued cell phone misuse can lead to disciplinary action, including loss of phone privileges. Severe violations, such as dangerous, illegal, or harassing...
Employee handbooks are large documents that list out a variety of company policies and procedures. They’re incredibly helpful to management and staff, but creating an...
In 2020 we had a perfect storm of stress. We witnessed demonstrations and civil unrest, economic uncertainty, unprecedented levels of unemployment, election year...
Last summer there was nowhere to go and no one to go with. Thanks to vaccinations, things are looking up this summer. And right on time, as employees are reporting...
Before establishing a summer dress code, be sure your policies are fair and sound. Gendered language and restrictive hair policies may not fly anymore.
New CDC guidelines update the “close contact” definition. Employers will have to incorporate the new definition into contact tracing and return to work plans for...
Essential handbook revisions made in 2020 will protect employers in 2021. Handbooks must contain revised Title VII guidance on sexual orientation/identity...
Inclement weather can quickly derail your operations. Minimize confusion by getting everyone on the same page before the first snowflake hits the ground.
Workplace safety in the age of COVID-19 is crucial. Learn the top 5 safety protocols U.S. workers feel are critical in maintaining their safety in the workplace.