Unlimited vacation has become a popular benefits trend. The idea is simple: Employees take as much vacation as they want so long as they get their work done.
Serving in the military and raising a family haven’t always been compatible, especially during times of international conflict and repeat deployments overseas.
Q: “An employee went on maternity leave and will use paid time off until the short term benefit kicks in. Does she continue to accrue PTO while on short-term...
Looking for a no-cost way to help employees save more for retirement? Consider making enrollment in your 401(k) automatic for all employees. They’ll have to...
Q: “Is there merit to having employees sign their time cards? Is it important to have a certification that the hours shown represent an accurate accounting of...
Among the victims of the Great Recession of 2008-2009 were the retirement expectations of many Americans. New research from the nonpartisan Employee Benefit Research...
Here’s a cautionary tale about changing a new employee’s job duties soon after hire. He or she may claim the real reason is discrimination if the change...
Q. An employee failed to participate in open enrollment, thereby losing her insurance coverage. Can she resign and be immediately rehired to enroll in our medical plan...
The 108 employees who work for Quakertown, Pa.-based Synergis Technologies have been with the organization for an average of 10 years. President and CEO David Sharp III...
The Philadelphia Catholic Archdiocese has frozen a defined-benefit pension plan for its 8,500 parochial school teachers and support staff. The move comes as...
Sheetz President and CEO Joe Sheetz says the convenience store giant not only tries to offer the same employee benefits as its competitors, but tries to customize...
When a Maplewood man went to an appointment following colon cancer surgery, his doctor told him his health insurance had lapsed. It turns out, an avoidable HR paperwork...
Mindfulness and meditation are no longer reserved for the spiritually dedicated, as Silicon Valley companies turn to these ancient practices to help employees tap into...
The 20-month-long American Crystal Sugar lockout is finally over. In April, 55% of the members of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers Local 167G...