A debt-free education courtesy of your employer sounds nice, but it’s not so straightforward. While many companies and HR teams may be well-intentioned, there’s...
The IRS released Forms 1095-C and 1094-C for 2022 healthcare information reporting last week. These forms are required reporting under the Affordable Care Act for...
What was once a more straightforward question, has caused some confusion since 2020. Does local income tax withholding follow the wages or the person? If it follows the...
Some stores have already brought out the holiday decorations and Christmas music. However, Payroll teams are busy preparing for a different season — year-end...
Regardless of the sales pitch, on-demand pay is a boondoggle for Payroll. Every vendor will tell you why their on-demand pay program is worry-free for Payroll—it’s...
Someone asked recently if we have a one-page document explaining the revised W-4 that HR can provide to new employees who may not have filed a W-4 in years. We’ve...
Employees file their W-4s and then forget about them. Whether they know it or not, when you withhold employees’ income taxes based on those W-4s, you’re introducing...
Do you hate tax cheats enough to turn them in? In your own company? Would it matter if you received a portion of the IRS’ recovery as a reward?
Recently, we discussed...
Ethics, our handy Webster’s Dictionary tells us, is the study of standards and moral judgment. Lawyers have a code of ethics running to booklet form and so do doctors...
There were at least 11 on-demand pay vendors at the American Payroll Association’s Annual Congress last month, not including the national third-party payroll...
Payroll compliance is no small task. Everyone knows that executing payroll accurately and on time is important, after all everyone wants to get paid for their world....
“What percentage of your job is driven by laws and regulations,” asked Alice Jacobson, Esq., the American Payroll Association’s director of government relations....
Cryptocurrencies aren’t legal tender. This hasn’t stopped employees from wanting to be paid in crypto. Nor has it stopped Fidelity Investments from offering crypto...
Your first-quarter Form 941 is due Monday, May 2. So you have two more days to ensure your form is correct (yay!). But of course, those two days fall on the weekend...
We admit we were thrown for a loop after reading the IRS’ latest fact sheets on reporting pandemic-related paid leave to employees on Form W-2c. Sometimes it’s best...
If the IRS were Superman, paper would be its kryptonite. That’s our analogy to the Taxpayer Advocate’s annual report to Congress regarding the IRS’ well-known...
There’s a reason the IRS rolled out some new tools and beefed up some old tools on its website this filing season—it’s still bogged down with last year’s...
The IRS has released a new round of FAQs in two fact sheets, both of which clarify the circumstances under which you must provide employees with Forms W-2c if you took...
Tax lawyers should be able to do their own taxes, don’t you think? With minimal help, of course. So I was confident last weekend as I set about preparing our taxes....
Last year, the Department of Labor released a trio of documents advising employers with 401(k) plans about cybersecurity. The DOL is backing up the advice in those...