What comes after omicron? We shiver at the answer. What we thought were temporary changes in response to the pandemic may not, in fact, be so temporary, especially if...
Want your office to run like a well-oiled machine? A top-notch administrative assistant is the way to do it. These professionals provide managers and other team members...
Lots of House and Senate committees have their fingers in the Build Back Better Act pie. The BBB—the budget reconciliation bill—already passed the House. The Senate...
The employee retention credit expired retroactively and earlier than many employers had anticipated—at the end of the third quarter, instead of the end of the fourth...
Most of the activities necessary to keep your business running can be broken down into specific tasks and business processes. Each employee contributes to the success of...
It’s time to talk about computer security again. With the holiday shopping season here, employees will be doing a lot of online shopping — some of which will...
If you deferred depositing your 6.2% share of Social Security taxes last year, the time to make your first payment is approaching quickly. Half your deferral is due Jan....
As the year ends, questions of taxes, domicile, and residency should be top of mind for employers looking to avoid any unnecessarily complex tax issues in the new year....
Whether you’re the one in attendance responsible for keeping the minutes of a meeting or just like to jot things down for your own benefit, it pays to develop...
Paid time off encompasses vacation days, sick time, personal days, and time taken under your company’s various leave policies. Providing adequate time off for...
The end of the year is a hectic time for payroll staff and business owners. While the year is winding down, the payroll department is ramping up to prepare for the end...
The holiday season is upon us, and for most employers that also means a tsunami of time off requests are incoming. Many people take time off at the end of the year to...
HR departments are more frequently offering expansive and creative new “lifestyle” benefits, which are being packaged along with health benefits during open...
2021 is coming to a close. For businesses and employers, that means end-of-year accounting and W-2 filing is right around the corner. However, with frequent changes,...
So before we turn our attention to post-season baseball, let’s sort through some pandemic-related payroll questions that have come to our attention.
Must we factor...
Yes, it’s almost that time of year again—W-2 reporting time. (We can hear the groans already.) And no, we’re not referring to those proposed regulations dropping...
The budget reconciliation bill Congress is currently considering is a key piece of legislation and will affect your payroll and benefits administration, as well as...
Form W-4: Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate is an IRS form employers give new hires to fill out in order to determine the amount of tax to withhold from...
The pandemic has given employers a lot to think about. With vaccinations rolling out, businesses are working hard to “get back to normal” or in many cases...
It’s hurricane season, but the storms don’t simply stop there. While your payroll department may not come with a torrent of wind and rain, it might be embroiled...