Handy Tips for Handouts

  • January 21, 2013

When most people think about creating handouts for a PowerPoint presentation, they think simply about printing copies of their slides, 1, 2 or 3 per page with...

Word Master Document to the rescue

  • January 14, 2013

A Master Document is a collection of links to other documents that can be viewed and printed as though it were a single document. So, how does this work?

Steer clear of to-do list icebergs: 6 tips

  • January 11, 2013

If you plan on knocking out a task quickly and then discover there’s far more to it than you expected, it’s going to wreak havoc on your schedule and could...

Effective use of the hashtag

  • January 04, 2013

Hashtags (#) have become a part of our everyday social media world. You see them on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Pinterest. Here are 6 tips to effectively use...

Nail every deadline

  • December 21, 2012

Everyone handles deadlines differently, but if you want to keep your career on track, you need a systematic approach to make sure you’re meeting them. Here are a...

Remove Duplicates: Payoffs and pitfalls

  • December 10, 2012

While it's easier than it has ever been in Excel 2007 and 2010 to remove duplicates from a list based on selected criteria, you’ll need to watch out for a few...

Developing greater confidence at work

  • December 06, 2012

Dana Theus, a leadership consultant and founder of InPower Women, explains how administrative professionals can develop their confidence and leadership skills to drive...

When your boss doesn’t have a clue

  • November 27, 2012

An incompetent boss is annoying at best and damaging to your career at worst. To keep your career moving forward in spite of a clueless boss, Dorothy Tannahill-Moran...

5 Year-End Outlook Clean-Up Tips

  • November 26, 2012

Delete Fearlessly! Sort by sender, subject or organize by conversation. Delete those that are purely social. Even if you spend 5 minutes a day until the end of the...

Turn techie with free online courses

  • November 23, 2012

Computer skills are key for succeeding in the current business climate, writes John Patrick Pullen. But even if you didn’t study computer science, free online...

Creating a company PowerPoint template?

  • November 14, 2012

Creating a good company PowerPoint template removes tedious and inconsistent manual formatting of text, placeholders and backgrounds from the end user’s hands....

Are you ready to get ‘profersonal’?

  • November 13, 2012

"Profersonalism is about letting go of the idea that we can put our lives into neat little boxes. It’s about categorizing activities instead of people," says...