The truth about protecting your Wi-Fi

  • January 21, 2014

Protecting your Wi-Fi network is essential for keeping your privacy protected, but how do you know your network protection is up to par?

Adjusting to life with a new boss

  • January 15, 2014

A new boss can introduce a lot of new elements to your work life, such as a new leadership style, a new way of communicating and new expectations. Career coach Joyce...

3 tech tools make meetings matter

  • December 23, 2013

Using a few tech tools can make your meeting and your note-taking go a lot smoother. Christopher Null at PC World offers three suggestions to get the job done easier.

You: Payroll’s elf on a shelf

  • December 04, 2013

Since you don’t have an elf to take care of all the December year-end payroll details, you have to do it yourself. Here’s help getting started.

Why you need 2 break-room bulletin boards

  • November 07, 2013

Does your workplace have one large bulletin board in the break room? Perhaps the note asking “If anyone found a pair of sunglasses, please return them to Deb in...

Is it time to rethink an open-space office?

  • November 05, 2013

Open-plan offices have grown in popularity for not only communication benefits, but economic factors. But a new study based on a survey of over 42,000 office workers in...

The problem with extending deadlines

  • October 23, 2013

Any conviction you have when starting work on a project fades fast when word of a deadline extension comes through. The same problems you had the first time around loom...

Polish off tax deductions for mold removal

  • October 03, 2013

Environmental cleanup costs generally must be capitalized, which means that there’s no current write-off. Strategy: Claim a current deduction for the cost of ...

Salvage a partial home-sale gain exclusion

  • September 17, 2013

In the tax world, half a loaf, or at least part of a loaf, is usually better than no loaf at all. This principle applies if you’re selling your principal...

The Zip Code Conundrum

  • September 09, 2013

In Excel, when you have a 0-first digit zip code, it usually shows up as only the last four digits. So, take a Massachusetts zip code like 02201. If you just type that...

Widow/Orphan Control runs in Word by default

  • September 03, 2013

While Widow/Orphan control keeps single lines of a paragraph from showing up either at the top or the bottom of a page, it doesn’t necessarily keep headings with ...