Microsoft Outlook does much more than you think. It can boost your productivity ... help you manage your workload ... even help you stay focused on your most...
The FLSA restricts the docking of employees' pay. Many times employers' decisions on docking will push an employee from an exempt classification to a nonexempt, or...
Not all executives are content to have access to documents only on their smartphones, tablets or laptops. If you work for a boss who still depends heavily on paper and...
A records retention schedule ensures that an organization keeps the records it needs for operational, legal, fiscal or historical reasons, and then destroys them when...
The Specialized Information Publishers Association (SIPA) has named the third-place winner in the international 2012 SIPAwards competition...
The best executive assistants are indispensable. But, initially, many have trouble developing the trust and understanding needed for a strong assistant-boss...
Employees can be reimbursed for their travel and entertainment expenses (T&E) on a tax-free basis. However, if a T&E policy does not meet the IRS standards, or...
Taming the Outlook monster is something we all need help with, so here are a few easy ways to start cleaning up your Outlook inbox: 1. Sort by sender. 2. Search for old...
Q. We reimburse employees for the business use of their personal cellphones. To cut down on paperwork, management has suggested that instead of having employees submit...
You have probably been doing “if” logic ever since you were a toddler: If this is true, then this; otherwise, this. In Excel, IF statements are great for...
Administrative professionals and executive assistants often see themselves in their support roles as being “nonleaders.” Nothing, however, could be further...
Messy co-workers can make you feel like you’re living in a college dorm. What do you do when others don’t clean up after themselves? You could turn cleaning...
Because HR professionals work on a computer much of the day, Outlook is the workhorse that typically keeps their wheels moving. But what if you could add some power to...
Medical records are among the most sensitive documents employers maintain in personnel files. They must be afforded the utmost protection, so no transgressions arise...
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a calendar that provided valuable information at a glance? In Outlook, you can. When you create an appointment, you can categorize an...
Most people don’t have specific software just for managing their projects. So they use what they can access on their desktops. One great tool for this purpose is...
You know a presentation is going badly when audience members start tapping on their BlackBerrys. These days, especially, it isn't easy to capture and hold a group's...