Business Management Daily announces that it has acquired two newsletters, Communication Briefings and The Organized Executive, from Columbia Books of Bethesda, Md.
Q. Our restaurant chain employs college students part time during winter and summer breaks. We don’t provide benefits to part-timers. What are the pros and cons...
Many offices are moving away from paper to protect the environment, spend less on printing supplies and reduce office clutter. Going paperless can also keep...
April 17, 2014
Contact: Elizabeth Hall, Senior Web Editor (800) 543-2055 (703) 905-8000
Employees who believe they work in an organization with a strong “health culture” perceive themselves as healthier and are more likely to change unhealthy...
Business Management Daily announces that it has acquired and from Phoenix-based content marketing agency McMurry/TMG....
Stan Portny, author of Project Management for Dummies, has been writing about improving the efficiency of company meetings for 20 years. Here's his advice on organizing...
It’s time to open your planner and designate one day next month to refresh the entire workplace, throw out the clutter and rejuvenate office spirit. Here are...
A new boss can introduce a lot of new elements to your work life, such as a new leadership style, a new way of communicating and new expectations. Career coach Joyce...
As technology becomes more and more intrusive, today’s employees naturally wonder how far their employers can pry. Carefully weigh whether any form of employee...
Using a few tech tools can make your meeting and your note-taking go a lot smoother. Christopher Null at PC World offers three suggestions to get the job done easier.
Does your workplace have one large bulletin board in the break room? Perhaps the note asking “If anyone found a pair of sunglasses, please return them to Deb in...
Open-plan offices have grown in popularity for not only communication benefits, but economic factors. But a new study based on a survey of over 42,000 office workers in...
Any conviction you have when starting work on a project fades fast when word of a deadline extension comes through. The same problems you had the first time around loom...