Producer, manager and leader were once three distinct roles. Today, as a Manager/Leader in an increasingly volatile and complex world, you wear all three hats...
Like many things animation should be used in moderation in PowerPoint. One place where it can be meaningfully applied is in presentations that are designed to be...
Team meetings are the equivalent of football huddles. As such, they are one of the most visible arenas in which you can exert control over the players.
With everything that’s at stake in today’s challenging times, it’s no wonder that employers prize accurate minute-taking skills more than ever before....
When the role of the administrative professional is augmented with new duties, it can be a good news/bad news situation. Accepting new roles, like SharePoint...
While it’s usually CEOs getting interviewed about their achievements, the people that help make those achievements possible are just as important, says April...
Q: “Can the company legally assess an administrative fee to employees who have been issued a corporate credit card and have been told in writing that the card is...
You can filter for all #N/A results, but can you also highlight them with conditional formatting? You have to use the ISNA function, which tests a cell for that result.
One of the best new features introduced in PowerPoint 2010 (and also included with PowerPoint 2013) is the ability to group presentation slides into sections.
Ever had to keep covering for a boss who was frequently late, forgetful or just plain not available? We've got advice on what to do from experts and admins.