Build your influence at work

  • September 18, 2017

To get noticed not just by your friends or your team, but everyone at work, try these 5 things.

When to speak up against a superior

  • July 17, 2017

Speaking up about something you think a superior is doing wrong is intimidating and risky. From calling attention to a serious violation to questioning a simple business...

3 tips for improving minute-taking skills

  • June 28, 2017

Unless you’re a trained stenographer, keeping thorough minutes can be a challenge. If you’re responsible for taking minutes, here are three tips to help you...

Let technology tame your inbox

  • June 23, 2017

Employees spend an average of 13 hours a week reading and responding to email, according to The McKinsey Global Institute. Luckily technology can alleviate some of the...

Patience pays off for this admin

  • June 19, 2017

Laura Golonka, the executive assistant to the president of Combined Insurance in Chicago, says patience and persistence are among the most important qualities she has...

Which to-do list method works for you?

  • June 09, 2017

If the top item on your to-do list reads “Organize to-do list,” you know how difficult they can be to manage. Is there a secret formula for a great to-do...

5 traits of the highly organized

  • June 07, 2017

While everyone has their own methods for staying organized, there are some common traits highly organized people share. Here are some traits you can adopt to become more...

Formulas with pivot table data

  • June 05, 2017

Wait! Don’t run away! I know those terms—formulas with pivot table data—can seem intimidating to some, but hang in there a moment while we cover what...

Bring Lean methodology into work

  • March 13, 2017

Lean methodology was adapted from the Toyota Pro­duction System and focuses on the elimination of waste within work.

Standardize your documents

  • September 28, 2016

One way to avoid, or minimize, challenges involving shared documents is by creating and using standardized naming conventions.

The many hats of a leader

  • September 20, 2016

Producer, manager and leader were once three distinct roles. Today, as a Manager/Leader in an increasingly volatile and complex world, you wear all three hats...

PowerPoint: 3 cool animation creations

  • September 07, 2016

Like many things animation should be used in moderation in Power­Point. One place where it can be meaningfully applied is in presentations that are designed to be...