PowerPoint presentations without a presenter

  • August 06, 2012

When we think about PowerPoint presentations, we usually imagine a speaker in front of the room with a projector and a screen. But many presentations are delivered by...

Outlook 2010 Quick Steps

  • June 17, 2012

Microsoft hit it out of the park with Quick Steps in Outlook 2010. On the Home tab, in the Quick Steps group, you’ll find several out-of-the-box Quick Steps. Reply...

SharePoint Document Workspaces

  • June 10, 2012

Are you using SharePoint 2007 or 2010 as a glorified file server? There are many opportunities to make SharePoint do some heavy lifting beyond just keeping your files...

3 Page Formatting Puzzlers in Word

  • May 21, 2012

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you needed to align different parts of a line in a document? For instance, in a resume, the company name might be...

Outlook spring cleaning: 4 inbox tips

  • March 23, 2012

Taming the Outlook monster is something we all need help with, so here are a few easy ways to start cleaning up your Outlook inbox: 1. Sort by sender. 2. Search for old...

Pasting Gmail and Outlook together

  • March 11, 2012

I had an interesting question this week from someone in my network. Their IT decision-makers have chosen to host their email and calendars in Gmail. My contact and her...

Deduct bonuses first, and then pay them later

  • January 31, 2012

If your company uses the accrual method of accounting for tax purposes, you can deduct accrued year-end bonuses in the current year as long as they are paid within...

How are your ‘Mutual Fun’ shares doing?

  • November 09, 2011

Rite-Solutions has created an internal stock market for employee ideas called Mutual Fun. Employees get $10,000 worth of “opinion money” on their first day,...