Let’s say you have a diagram that you created with SmartArt, like an organizational chart. With the diagram selected, right-click and choose Save as Picture...
How do you decide when to use a template in Word and when to use a Macro? Generally, if you want to change text already on the page, a Macro is the right answer. If you...
When we think about PowerPoint presentations, we usually imagine a speaker in front of the room with a projector and a screen. But many presentations are delivered by...
The Specialized Information Publishers Association (SIPA) has named BusinessManagementDaily.com the third-place winner in the international 2012 SIPAwards competition...
Taming the Outlook monster is something we all need help with, so here are a few easy ways to start cleaning up your Outlook inbox: 1. Sort by sender. 2. Search for old...
Because HR professionals work on a computer much of the day, Outlook is the workhorse that typically keeps their wheels moving. But what if you could add some power to...
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a calendar that provided valuable information at a glance? In Outlook, you can. When you create an appointment, you can categorize an...
You know a presentation is going badly when audience members start tapping on their BlackBerrys. These days, especially, it isn't easy to capture and hold a group's...
Rite-Solutions has created an internal stock market for employee ideas called Mutual Fun. Employees get $10,000 worth of “opinion money” on their first day,...
Phil Ash, publisher of Capitol Information Group, Inc., announces a name change of its former National Institute of Business Management division. The group will now be...
Using PowerPoint visuals that only Einstein could decipher doesn't make the presenter look smarter. Complicated visuals will cause an audience to focus less on what the...
Your software is sluggish; your gadgets are glitchy. Here are seven easy updates that will improve your technological life. For starters, get a smartphone—having...
Business Management Daily, part of Capitol Information Group, has acquired the publishing assets of the Alexander Hamilton Institute, a New Jersey-based publisher...
Never have more partners than you can fit in an elevator. It’s a comment that seems like a joke but is deadly serious when you’re starting a business. Too...
Current and former drivers of Bimbo Bakeries USA who sued the company for allegedly breaking California’s meal and rest break laws are now offering to settle for...
Are you maximizing all that your BlackBerry offers to simplify your life? Here are 10 shortcuts: 1. Create the @ symbol and the dot when typing e-mail addresses by...
To help an audience tune in to your PowerPoint presentation instead of zoning out, stick to these four cardinal rules from communications coach Carmine Gallo when...