Use 3 strategies to cut health care costs

  • September 09, 2010

“Now is the time for all of you with plan-year start dates on or near Jan. 1 to start thinking about ways to control health plan costs,” says insurance...

10 ways to ‘green’ your employee benefits

  • September 02, 2010

Vouchers for compact fluorescent light bulbs and rooftop solar panels have taken their place next to health insurance and flextime as popular employee benefits. Young...

Tick, Tock. Watch the (Retaliation) Clock

  • August 19, 2010

It’s pretty obvious that you should not fire an employee who just filed a discrimination claim. But is that rule sealed in cement? One court recently said,...

Is it legal to dock pay for break tardiness?

  • July 21, 2010

Q. We give employees the choice of using two 10-minute breaks each day or combining them into one 20-minute lunch break. The employees are required to punch out and in...