Q. We have an exempt employee who is consistently late a few times a week, arriving anywhere from a few minutes to a couple of hours late. Can we discipline him for...
The FMLA allows employers to designate time off as FMLA leave even if employees want to use other time off (such as vacation and personal days) to deal with serious...
You don’t have to treat supervisors the same as other employees if they break the rules. As the following case shows, supervisors who get into physical fights with...
Q. I always hear North Carolina is a “right to work” state. Does that mean there are limitations on how or why I may be fired? Does that have anything to do...
Indiana has joined a growing number of states that require midsize and larger employers to provide job-protected leave to eligible employees who have family members on...
FMLA provides up to 12 weeks’ unpaid leave to eligible employees for their own or a relative’s serious health condition. Employers can run FMLA leave...
Q. Our employee handbook provides that employees who take FMLA leave must first use any available paid-leave time, including vacation, sick time and personal time, as...
A waiter who lost his job after saving a woman from a carjacker outside of the 84 Thai Restaurant in Fort Lauderdale where he worked won’t have trouble finding a...
Employees are supposed to file EEOC and Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (PHRC) complaints that fully explain the discrimination claims they’re making. The...
California employees have a right to a work environment free of sexual harassment, and employers are obligated to prevent harassment. But that doesn’t mean that...
When an employee has an extreme sensitivity to fragrances, resolving the issue is made more difficult by the fact that, in order to help him/her, you must typically...
Florida employers were required to have smoke-free workplaces since the mid-1980s, but the state recently amended the Florida Clean Indoor Air Act to comply with the...
Does your organization make important hiring and firing decisions by committee? That’s one way to counter possible bias by one individual. But be prepared to...
There’s a new concern for managers and supervisors in New York state. Those who give out bad references or otherwise bad-mouth a former employee who claimed...
New York state law provides personal liability for workplace discrimination. Employees who aid and abet their employers in discriminatory acts may be sued personally and...
Let's face it, being fired stinks. Some employees, however, handle the news better than others. According to a survey by Risk Control Strategies, a threat management...
Indiana employers can’t punish employees who are summoned to serve as jurors or witnesses in court. Even though you needn’t pay employees for jury duty, you...