Does FMLA cover prenatal appointments?

  • April 22, 2012

Q. One of our employees is expecting a baby and would like to count the time she spends at pregnancy-related doctor’s appointments as FMLA leave. Are we...

PwC enhances effort to hang on to top staff

  • April 18, 2012

To enhance its approach to compensation and development, PwC has added several programs to demonstrate the long-term value of building a career at the professional...

ADA – Americans With Disabilities Act

  • March 01, 2012

The ADA protects qualified individuals from disability discrimination in all aspects of employment, from hiring and firing to promotion and demotion to compensation...

DOL Issues New FMLA Forms … Sort Of

  • February 16, 2012

Even after the start of 2012, the model FMLA certification and notification forms provided by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) still carried an expriation date of...