There is no freedom from discrimination based on having premarital sex, but there is a right to be free of pregnancy discrimination. It may seem odd, but employers can...
The EEOC has just won a significant legal victory without even having to go to trial. It recently alleged that some last-chance agreements automatically violate Title...
A former employee at Marine Corp Community Services, which provides recreational and social services at Cherry Point Marine Corps Air Station, has admitted she used a...
A random coincidence has resulted in a costly fine for a Lancaster County construction firm. OSHA cited Quality Stone Veneers for eight safety violations after an OSHA...
Determining why employees leave is one key to taming turnover. Employers often use exit interviews to identify the answer. But departing employees are often...
“If only I had a bigger budget (for my department or my company), all my problems would disappear.” You’ve likely had a similar thought at some point....
Sometimes, an employee needs just a few hours of FMLA leave to make a doctor’s appointment or to drive a relative to treatment. What if the employee wants to take...
Under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act, employees called to active military service are entitled to return to their jobs....
It’s perfectly legitimate to prohibit recreational travel during any approved, paid sick leave. If you also happen to substitute paid sick leave for unpaid FMLA...
Employees who quit and sue have a tough case to make if they allege they had no choice but to quit because conditions were so terrible. First, they must demonstrate...
Here’s a lesson learned from an employer that responded correctly when an employee complained about sexual harassment. Not only did it conduct a thorough...
Earlier this year, the EEOC published Veterans and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): A Guide for Employers. In the guide, the EEOC asks the...
Do your employees understand exactly when they’re allowed to work overtime? Lax overtime rules are wasting billions of dollars at U.S. organizations and...
Business Management Daily’s new free special report 'How to Fire an Employee the Legal Way: 6 Termination Guidelines' will teach human resources professionals and...
Q. How is it possible to get out of an EEOC discrimination complaint if the employee has tape recordings to prove the claim? Can we prolong the process so the time can...
When you get wind of a potential harassment situation at work, one of HR’s first steps is to talk to the alleged harasser. It’s highly unlikely you’ll...
The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FIRA) has ruled Citibank violated state anti-discrimination laws when it fired Edward Laurence Bowne in 2008—and...