While Congress has not yet passed an amendment to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act that outlaws employment discrimination based on sexual orientation, public...
Jobs that require facing unpredictable conditions, immediate dangers and high-stakes situations rank at the top of CareerCast.com’s list of America’s most...
Layoff or firing? Probationary or permanent employee? Using the wrong employment-related terminology with an employee can expose your company to costly...
You may have heard that the EEOC is cracking down on employers that use criminal records in hiring. But that doesn’t mean you can’t ask in the hiring process.
Supervisors and HR walk a legal tightrope when discussing retirement plans with aging workers. If it appears you’re pushing an employee out the door based on his ...
Employees have just 90 days from the date they receive an EEOC right-to-sue letter to file a federal discrimination lawsuit. However, 90 days isn’t as...
You have probably read that unpaid interns are suing employers for unpaid minimum wages and winning. Now they’re pushing the envelope even further,...
Avoid costly litigation by reviewing how you classify your employees as exempt or nonexempt. If you discover you have made a mistake, fix it right away....
HR Law 101: Some supervisors try to skirt the whole issue of firing someone by resorting to constructive discharge. Their logic: If we make an employee’s time at...
Ordinarily, if an employer can show it decided to terminate an employee before she announced her pregnancy, a pregnancy discrimination lawsuit won’t succeed. But...
Do you sometimes worry that you made a mistake during an investigation? Or that you believed the wrong person? You needn’t lose sleep over it. Courts won’t...
HR Law 101: In 1935 Congress passed the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), giving workers the right to organize, to bargain collectively and to strike. By the late...
The EEOC sued a Munice, Ind., Dollar General retailer on a dyslexic employee’s behalf and won a $47,500 settlement. The employee had asked for help reading during...
Sometimes, irrational fear of litigation keeps employers from acting in their own best interests. For example, they may think discharging the sole minority employee will...
Q. Are we required to offer holiday pay to employees who are within their 90-day probationary period? Or can we start paying extra for holiday work only after the...
Not everyone has an easy pregnancy, birth and recovery. Employers that refuse to recognize this reality and don’t offer accommodations for unusual circumstances...
Q. We advertised for a front-desk receptionist opening and got 44 applications. Three were from men, all qualified. We’ve always had a female in that job and...
Employers with 50 or more employees within 75 miles must provide FMLA leave. If they have multiple locations, they must often provide leave to some employees...