When someone has surgery or undergoes extensive medical treatment, it’s fairly common to have temporary and lingering problems with energy levels, memory and...
Always count military leave as time worked. Simply pretend the worker is present and earning leave and other benefits. That principle applies to both your attendance...
The former owners of People Care Holdings, which provides in-home health services in and around New York City, have agreed to pay $10 million to settle charges they...
Some small nonprofit organizations may think they don’t have to follow Title VII anti-discrimination rules because they only have one or two employees. They...
With the economy improving, your employees have more options to jump ship. The warning signs that someone is about to leave aren't always what you'd expect.
Some jobs require co-workers to get along and support one another. An employee who isn’t a team player may cause enough problems to warrant termination. But...
Do you have an employee who is so disruptive that co-workers repeatedly complain? You may have to fire her. Before you do, carefully document how her behavior...
Here’s a bit of practical advice for that rare occasion when you may have to escort an employee off the premises: Make sure to have a second person there to help...
It may be a reasonable accommodation to grant additional time off after a disabled employee has used up her FMLA entitlement and other leave. But what if the disabled...
Sometimes, employees lose their tempers. That’s unfortunate and you certainly should discourage it. But a loud or tumultuous argument between a supervisor and a...
Q. An employee would like to use FMLA time to spend with her daughter after her grandchild is born later this year. There are no expected complications post-birth, but...
Employees with chronic conditions may need time off, but can’t always plan those absences in advance. And that may mean understaffed positions on short notice....
The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH), California’s civil rights agency, submits an annual report each calendar year to the governor and...
The ADA says you must reasonably accommodate disabled employees. That requires substantial discussion with the employee to understand her condition and formulate a...
Do you have an employee with a spotty attendance record who suddenly claims she can’t come to work on her day of worship? Employees can’t sue for denial of...