Exempt vs. non-exempt: FAQs

  • May 16, 2016

The questions surrounding who is exempt and who is non-exempt from overtime obligations under the FLSA have spurred hundreds of class action lawsuits costing employers...

Little slights, actions add up to retaliation

  • April 13, 2016

When an employee complains that a supervisor is behaving in a discriminatory way, employers must ensure there is no retaliation. Even small things can lead to a big...

FMLA reveals poor performance? Discipline

  • March 19, 2016

Sometimes, it takes an absence to discover that an employee wasn’t doing her job well. But some HR professionals and supervisors fear disciplining a worker if...

Could you be liable for employee’s suicide?

  • February 26, 2016

Sometimes, workplace harassment can be so oppressive that an employee takes his own life. In some circumstances, those responsible for maintaining a workplace free of...

FMLA leave may be ADA accommodation

  • January 05, 2016

Here’s something to remember when an employee claims she has a disability that interferes with her ability to work overtime or even a full day. You can offer...

No harm in being more generous than FMLA

  • December 29, 2015

Employers are supposed to let employees who need FMLA leave know about their eligibility and what’s involved in taking leave. But what if you offer a leave plan...