Tell managers: Never comment on FMLA leave

  • July 25, 2017

Employees who qualify for FMLA leave can’t be punished for taking it. Any action that could be seen as dissuading workers from exercising their right to take FMLA...

Immediately get rid of offensive graffiti

  • July 25, 2017

Employers can’t prevent every harassment incident. But they can provide a way for employees to complain about it and commit to taking swift action when they learn...

Not every suspension is retaliation

  • July 20, 2017

HR professionals sometimes warn managers that suspending an employee without pay can backfire—even if it’s for what seem like legitimate reasons. The problem...

Texas Supreme Court rules on disability

  • June 22, 2017

The Texas Supreme Court has reversed a lower court’s decision that urinary incontinence is not a disability under the state’s disability discrimination laws.

Teach managers: No complaining about FMLA

  • June 16, 2017

Make sure all supervisors understand that they must never criticize employees for taking FMLA leave. For employees who need to care for their own serious health...

No guarantee of same job after FMLA leave

  • June 13, 2017

You may have to promote someone from within to do the work of the employee who has taken FMLA leave. But what about the employee who took FMLA leave? Isn’t he...