The questions surrounding who is exempt and who is non-exempt from overtime obligations under the FLSA have spurred hundreds of class action lawsuits costing employers...
When an employee complains that a supervisor is behaving in a discriminatory way, employers must ensure there is no retaliation. Even small things can lead to a big...
A Pennsylvania court has ruled that a former housekeeper can collect unemployment compensation even though she quit after a bottle-waving boss badgered her to take drug...
Sometimes, it takes an absence to discover that an employee wasn’t doing her job well. But some HR professionals and supervisors fear disciplining a worker if...
The Fair Labor Standards Act includes exemptions for certain professions, including one for commercial seaman. Some seafaring workers have recently tried to narrow the...
When an employee shares the news of her pregnancy with her manager, it may bring on mixed emotions. While the supervisor may be happy for the employee, the realities...
It may seem crazy that your employees can use their allotted job-protected FMLA leave time to work on a second job. But, as long as they have a legitimate reason for...
Sometimes, workplace harassment can be so oppressive that an employee takes his own life. In some circumstances, those responsible for maintaining a workplace free of...
The Obama administration wants more money for wage-and-hour enforcement next year, even as it asks for less funding overall for the Department of Labor.
It usually happens like this: An employee comes to HR complaining that her boss said something inappropriate—maybe it was a sexually explicit joke, racial slur...
Usually, judges rule it’s not a reasonable ADA accommodation to not have to work for a particular supervisor. In other words, a disabled worker can’t...
The fact that a supervisor may favor a subordinate with whom he is romantically linked doesn’t justify a sex discrimination or harassment lawsuit by someone who...
It can take a long time to process an FMLA request, especially if the employee doesn’t promptly respond to demands to provide medical certification of the need...
Here’s something to remember when an employee claims she has a disability that interferes with her ability to work overtime or even a full day. You can offer...
Employers are supposed to let employees who need FMLA leave know about their eligibility and what’s involved in taking leave. But what if you offer a leave plan...
Q. We have a long-time employee who will accumulate the necessary points under our retirement program to become fully vested in his retirement benefit on his next...