Overtime pay. Discrimination. Family leave. Harassment ... Federal employment laws govern all of these issues – and many more – that you deal with at some...
Q. Our company has employees stationed in locations outside the United States. A situation recently occurred that raised the question of whether U.S. employment laws...
What's an employer to do when the documents an employee presents to prove work eligibility don't match up? Employment law attorney Nancy Delogu guides you through the...
Mary Louise Doyle, a nurse fired from the Bergen Regional Medical Center, has filed suit against her former employer, claiming she lost her job in retaliation for...
It’s understandable that someone who has had a heart attack and taken time off to recover might assume that he’s disabled under the terms of the ADA....
Some New Jersey employers don’t fully realize that it’s far easier for an employee to claim disability under state law than it is under the ADA. And if an...
Retaliation is anything that would dissuade a reasonable employee from complaining about discrimination in the first place. That’s not to say every little...
Some employee lawsuits just won’t go away. Duquesne Law School in Pittsburgh is still embroiled in litigation it thought had ended three years ago—because...
Two former employees of the Texas Dental Association are $900,000 richer after receiving back pay in a settlement agreement brokered by the National Labor Relations...
DHS has issued final regulations clearing the way for employers to electronically sign and store the I-9 employment eligibility verification forms that must be on file...
A federal court has held that, under certain circumstances, the ADA may obligate an employer to accommodate an employee’s disability-related difficulties in...
Some employees try to fabricate a lawsuit by resigning and then alleging that some form of discrimination made their working conditions so intolerable that they had no...
Illinois’ long-standing mistrust of the federal government’s E-Verify employment eligibility verification program has now been codified into a new law...
Employees who suffer from an impaired ability to become pregnant are disabled under the ADA. Since childbearing is a major life activity, conditions that interfere...
Just in time for March Madness … the new draft of a prominent American Psychiatric Association (APA) manual recommends expanding the category of “mental...
Don’t, under any circumstances, use co-worker resentment over disability accommodations as a reason to transfer or terminate the disabled employee. If you’re...
It’s time to take a fresh look at the health questionnaires you hand out to employees as part of your wellness program. New federal regulations that prohibit...
For the first time in the United States, an employee has successfully won workers’ compensation benefits for mold exposure, even though the industry...
Employers don’t have to put up with employees who pose a safety hazard to others—or to themselves. While suicidal behavior at work may indicate that an...