Consider FMLA before firing for attendance

  • September 10, 2014

Here’s some advice that can save you money you might otherwise have spent defending an FMLA lawsuit: If an employee has accrued enough absences under your...

Is it possible to apply FMLA retroactively?

  • August 26, 2014

Q. We have 75 employees at our one facility. An employee recently took two months off for a serious operation. We did not classify this as FMLA leave, but now we think...

Multiple locations? Handle FMLA with care

  • November 16, 2013

Employers with 50 or more employees within 75 miles must provide FMLA leave. If they have multiple locations, they must often provide leave to some em­­ployees...

Must we give FMLA leave for cosmetic surgery?

  • August 08, 2013

Q. An employee lost weight and is having excess skin removed and a breast lift. There will be a surgery and recovery period. Is elective cosmetic surgery covered under...

Criticism after FMLA? Beware retaliation

  • April 03, 2013

When a good employee with no disciplinary record suddenly turns into a bad employee following FMLA leave, watch out. You may have on your hands a bitter supervisor who...