The Myth of Work/Life Balance

  • February 16, 2016

Everyone seems to be seeking work/life balance. And no one seems to desire this more than leaders, managers and supervisors. I doubt there is a person who reads these...

My Lessons in the Coal Mine

  • March 06, 2014

This week, I had the incredible opportunity to tour one of the most productive coal mining operations in the United States. The River View Mine outside of Waverly, Ky.,...

Are You Willing to Change?

  • October 17, 2013

Let me get personal and direct and maybe even get in your face a bit. If you want change to happen in your organization, you’ve got to be willing to change too....

Customers or Employees — Who Comes First?

  • October 10, 2013

Perhaps the oldest conundrum of all is — which came first, the chicken or the egg? Perhaps the oldest in the minds of savvy leaders is what is more important, my...

Thoughts on Micromanagement

  • July 11, 2013

When I ask people to list the qualities of great leaders, micromanager never makes the list. But if I ask people to list mistakes leaders make, micromanagement is...

When is a Webinar a Good Learning Option?

  • April 04, 2013

We learn in lots of ways and there are lots of tools that can be a part of our overall learning strategy—whether we are thinking about that personally or for our...

How Leaders Gain Momentum

  • January 24, 2013

Watch the Super Bowl next week and I can guarantee two things: You’ll see far too many camera shots of celebrities at the game, and the word momentum will be...

How to Finish the Year Strong

  • December 18, 2012

As I write this, there are still two weeks left in the year. Two weeks – almost 4% of the year. Yet many people are already in holiday-coasting mode. So what do I...

When is the Best Time to Coach?

  • December 12, 2012

Have you ever heard the old quotation, “When the student is ready, the teacher appears”? At that moment of readiness we are most open to new ideas, most...

The Problem With Thanksgiving

  • November 20, 2012

Many who read this will be celebrating Thanksgiving in the coming days. While on different dates with different origins, many countries celebrate some sort of...