No double-dipping on mortgage interest

  • January 08, 2007

Q. I have a home office for my own business. Can I deduct mortgage interest in addition to the interest claimed on the personal part of my return?

Installment sale to relative is allowed

  • October 31, 2005

Q: I own real estate that I plan to sell to my son through an installment sale. My CPA says this can't be done because we're related parties. Is this true? D.R.T., St....

Self-employeds: Pass the 1099 tax buck

  • August 22, 2005

Q: I retired earlier this year, but I'm starting a consulting business as a sole proprietor. In my line of work, I'll need to use subcontractors. But won't I be taxed in...

Business Entertainment

  • August 22, 2005

All work and no play can make Jack (or Jill) a disgruntled employee or client. So, you may decide to treat some of your top customers or valued employees to an outing as...

401(k) rollovers: not always automatic

  • May 30, 2005

Q: My daughter is switching jobs in a few weeks. She's accumulated about $20,000 in her 401(k) plan. Does her employer have to automatically roll the money into a Roth...

6 good tax reasons to hire your spouse

  • April 18, 2005

If you're like most small business owners, your spouse does odds and ends around the office and pitches in when you need help. This is particularly true in the summer...

How average are your Schedule C write-offs?

  • April 19, 2004

You never want your tax return to stick out like a sore thumb at the IRS. That's why it's good to know whether your deductions fall within the national averages.

Can S corp owners use the per-diem method?

  • February 09, 2004

Q: In a recent item in your newsletter, you said that sole proprietors, partners and LLC members can use the per-diem method for reimbursing meals and incidental...

Tax basis on Prudential stock giveaway

  • January 26, 2004

Q: I received shares of Prudential stock a few years ago because I had converted a group policy to a personal policy. If I sell the shares now, do I have to pay tax on...