Are you as organized as Bill Gates?

  • January 05, 2010

Microsoft chairman Bill Gates uses digital tools to get things done. No surprise there, but are you using any of his top tactics?

Bill Walsh: the 4 most powerful words

  • December 25, 2009

Legendary football coach Bill Walsh remembers that quarterbacks Joe Montana and Steve Young came to the San Francisco 49ers with supremely high expectations of...

Writing performance reviews: What NOT to say

  • December 23, 2009

Say you manage Kevin, a 55-year-old employee whose productivity drops over the year. Instead of citing specific, measurable examples of this decline in his performance...

Feynman’s theory on the Challenger disaster

  • December 01, 2009

While investigating the Challenger space shuttle disaster in 1986, physicist Richard Feynman pondered what had caused a disconnect between managers and leaders that...

Beware discipline for FMLA-related tardiness

  • November 28, 2009

It may be terribly annoying and very disruptive, but it is also the law: Employees eligible for intermittent FMLA leave are entitled to take that leave at the beginning...

Sedentary work restriction may be disability

  • November 22, 2009

Employees who are unable to perform anything but sedentary work may be disabled under the ADA. That means employers may have to find ways to accommodate them, including...

Learn to tell a 2-minute leadership story

  • November 20, 2009

The hallmark of a good leadership story? Inspiring, motivational, memorable and short—like, two minutes short. In the age of Twitter, people don’t have time...