8 signs you work with a deadbeat

  • July 22, 2011

Deadbeats suck the life out of every­one around them. They may sometimes be hard to identify, and they’re even harder to publicly label once found. According...

Should you call out a co-worker?

  • July 20, 2011

Another admin on your team just made a cringe-worthy mistake. It was so bad that, although you’re a team player, you’d like to make sure your co-worker is...

5 signs your boss is clueless

  • July 05, 2011

Experts say many bosses are clueless about how they come across to employees. Five signs your boss may be one of them:

Jeff Hawkins’ vision of the Palm Pilot

  • June 14, 2011

It takes skill to imagine something, that is, literally see it in your mind, and then snap apart the components, rotate them, bend them, fold them and scan them from...

Can you be fired for the way you look?

  • June 07, 2011

Can employees be fired for being too fat? Can a job candidate who is missing her front teeth be turned down? Is it OK to hire or fire someone because of personal...

Keep the workplace running like clockwork

  • May 31, 2011

Whether your office has sophisticated scheduling software, day planners for everyone or no formal calendar management at all, a few visual reminders can keep everyone...

7 rules for PowerPoint simplicity

  • May 13, 2011

Using PowerPoint visuals that only Einstein could decipher doesn't make the presenter look smarter. Complicated visuals will cause an audience to focus less on what the...

Never hand off work without a checklist

  • May 02, 2011

It’s not enough to do your work correctly and efficiently; you must also be sure that other members of the team or project-based work group can be trusted to...