The benefits of being scrappy

  • July 14, 2014

“Creative,” “smart” and “determined” are great traits, but leadership and entrepreneurship writer Bill Murphy Jr. explains why people...

Unleash free flow of information

  • July 03, 2014

For many years, executives tended to control the flow of information in their organization. They would limit who had access to data and expend much effort ensuring...

How to identify promotable employees

  • June 19, 2014

For many organizations, promotions are random decisions left to managers. That’s a mistake … and a common one. Use these tips to choose the right people for...

Who says onboarding can’t be fun?

  • June 16, 2014

Some employers enliven their onboarding process with games, quizzes and other activities that inform while they entertain. Here are some real-life examples.

WWII colonel risked life with squad

  • June 12, 2014

In November 1942, Col. Curtis LeMay delivered a briefing to his World War II bomber pilots. He told them they would fly directly toward the target, maximizing the risk...

Employers crack down on social media abuse

  • June 05, 2014

More than 70% of employers have disciplined employees for misuse of social media. Daniel Ornstein of the Proskauer law firm outlines ways to stop the headaches before...

Create effective cue cards

  • June 01, 2014

Having well-organized cue cards gives you added security when you take the stage. However, if you keep your eyes glued to your cue cards, you may neglect to inject...