How to handle a liar at work

  • November 21, 2017

We all tell lies and are lied to on occasion. Many times they’re insignificant untruths that can be ignored, but what do you do when you catch a co-worker in a whopper?

Court: No defense for quid pro quo harassment

  • November 16, 2017

With sexual harassment in the news, a ruling handed down last month by the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals should worry employers used to avoiding liability by showing that...

Listening is an act of affirmation

  • November 07, 2017

At the heart of every productive conversation, there are two roles: storyteller and listener(s). While the storyteller’s role is important, the listener’s role is...

Keeping corporate identity in PowerPoint

  • November 06, 2017

Using a PowerPoint theme that consistently applies elements from your branding to each slide makes presentation creation easy. Here are some tips for setting up a good...

100% healed back-to-work rule could backfire

  • October 31, 2017

Do you have a companywide policy that requires all workers who are out on leave to get a doctor’s certification that they are completely healed before they can return...

Getting staff to talk frankly

  • October 26, 2017

“Play the long game. Think about whom you’ll need to hire so that when you’re in a pickle, you’ve already contacted those people who can connect you to top...

Fingerprint time tracking? Check state law

  • October 26, 2017

In recent years, employers have seized on biometric technologies such as fingerprint scanning as a way to control time-clock abuse. But before you rush out to buy the...

Starbucks’ charity bonded staff

  • October 25, 2017

Here’s an easy way to make your team come together: Mobilize everyone to donate time and energy to improve their community.