Must you rehire a disabled former employee?

  • March 02, 2007

Q. One of our employees went on disability after a motorcycle accident. We terminated him at his request, as he wanted to cash out his 401(k). His doctor recently...

Accept FMLA proof from foreign doctors

  • March 02, 2007

Q. Many of my employees request FMLA leave to return to their native countries to care for sick relatives, or they request personal medical leave due to a “sudden...

Volunteers can sue for job discrimination

  • March 02, 2007

You may believe that interns, volunteers or other unpaid helpers aren’t official “employees” so they can’t sue for discrimination. You’d be...

No need to reverify expired driver’s license

  • March 02, 2007

Q. I was interested in your recent article discussing reverifying employees' I-9 documents when they expire. Does this mean that if a worker shows a driver's license as...