Inappropriate office attire

  • April 07, 2006

Question: I have a co-worker who wears trashy clothing to work almost every day. Even when she tries her hardest to dress professionally, she still looks horrible...

Ways to boost employee morale

  • March 31, 2006

Question: First of all, let me thank all of those who have given me advice in the past. My frustrations have finally been solved. All this time, I thought no one cared...

Tracking FMLA leave

  • March 31, 2006

Question: Does anyone have some sort of simple way/spreadsheet to track FMLA leave using the "rolling" 12-month period measured backward?  -- Cindy

The office informant

  • March 17, 2006

Question: I have been an admin. for about 2 years -- it is my first job out of college -- and I recently had my annual review.  Everything went fine, but one...

Unproductive co-workers

  • February 17, 2006

Question: I work in an office with three other administrative people. One of the other admins and I have a good work ethic: We need to keep busy (and we are very...

Admin pools

  • February 10, 2006

Question: Does anyone have information on "admin pools" (when a group of administrative assistants work together as a team and report to a senior assistant)? If you...

Distracting co-worker

  • February 03, 2006

Question: I work in an office where I am in the center of everything, so I can hear and see everything that goes on.  One of my co-workers pretends to work...

Promotion challenges

  • February 03, 2006

Question: I have been employed in good standing with a great corporation for more than eight years. Working in the administrative field has been my specialty for...

Disappearing office supplies

  • January 20, 2006

Question: On and off, stationery items like staplers, calculators and such disappear from our office. Writing our names on them seemed a good idea until someone said...

Gum popping!

  • January 13, 2006

Question: I work in a nice office with a lot of nice people around. Sometimes, however, the lady next to me in her cube will chew gum ... then, she will pop it. Not...

Office housekeeping responsibility

  • December 27, 2005

Question: I work in an office with 19 other people and I am in charge of turning on the dishwasher each night before leaving.  To some, this translates to me also...

Unfriendly atmosphere

  • September 16, 2005

Question: We have an office of about 70 employees, about 55 of whom have face-to-face contact with the public. The owner would like all patients welcomed with...

Over explainer

  • September 02, 2005

Question: I work with a person who has recently been promoted into the management ranks. My problem is that she over explains the simplest thing. I hate to interact...

Training a co-worker to be independent

  • August 19, 2005

Question: I would like some advice on how to train and make my co-worker independent.  He is a complete fresher in this line (admin) and although he has been with...

Rude comments from the boss

  • July 29, 2005

Question: My boss often acts in a way and makes comments that hurt my feelings and those of others in my office.  For example, today she said that I made too much...

Job description feedback

  • July 15, 2005

Question: I would like to get feedback about a job description. The job is for a secretary at a real estate office. The job has been open for several months. A...

Controlling co-workers

  • July 08, 2005

Question: One of my co-workers (Co-Worker A) is a good employee and a hard worker. Another co-worker (Co-Worker B), who supports the department head, is very...

Nosy managers

  • July 01, 2005

Question: Two of my managers come to my desk frequently and read my computer screen and anything else within view of my desk. I do not report to either one. They...