Scripts for terminating an employee professionally

Terminating employees is challenging. However, a script can make the process easier. Use this information for a better conversation with the employee. This works whether it’s your first termination or you want to ensure you’re saying the right things.

Tips before having the termination conversation

Before you have the official conversation to terminate an employee, you want to prepare accordingly.

Document everything

Employee termination shouldn’t come out of the blue. You want to have a paper trail of performance evaluations, performance improvement plans, written warnings, and the like to highlight the actions taken leading up to the termination.

Not only does documenting everything give your employees a chance to improve if they’re able and willing to, but it also protects you if there’s a question about the reason behind the termination.

The only time a paper trail isn’t as important is when they act so egregiously that company policy calls for you to fire someone immediately.

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Have an action plan

Since a termination meeting can fuel emotions in the employee, you want it to be concise and action-oriented. This is not the time to have a conversation in hopes of changing the decision.

You must give the employee the necessary information they need to begin the separation process. You must be focused on the facts and achieving the goals of the meeting, so be sure to have that mindset. However, remember it is okay (and recommended) that you have an empathetic and caring tone throughout the conversation.

Employee termination script

Beginning of the conversation

You want the beginning of the conversation to be straightforward. It’s essential to be upfront regarding your reason for the meeting and understand you’re firing them without leaving them hanging onto hope that you’re having a conversation about allowing them to improve.

Here are some example scripts you can use:

Termination script for policy violation

  • Script: NAME, your behavior was inappropriate on DATE and violated our policies and values. You are being terminated effective immediately.
  • Example: Rhonda, your behavior was inappropriate on Monday, and it violated our company policies and values. Your position is being terminated immediately.

Termination script for layoffs

  • Script: NAME, while we’ve appreciated your contributions to the company, after evaluating our current needs, we’ve discovered [REASON FOR ENDING EMPLOYMENT]. We regret to inform you that your position has been terminated, and your last day of employment will be on DATE.
  • Example: Marcus, while we’ve appreciated your contributions to the company, after evaluating our current needs and recent budget cuts, we’ve discovered we no longer have the capacity to maintain your position. We regret to inform you that our position has been terminated, and your last day of employment will be on March 30.

Termination script for poor performance

  • Script: NAME, we’ve previously discussed the importance of [WHAT NEEDS TO BE IMPROVED.] Unfortunately, while we’ve seen some improvements, it hasn’t reached the level we need for this position. For that reason, we are terminating your position effective DATE.
  • Example: Alea, we’ve previously discussed the importance of improving your job performance. Unfortunately, while we’ve seen some improvements, it hasn’t reached the level we need for this position. For that reason, we are terminating your position effective immediately.

Continuing the conversation

Once the employee knows their position is being terminated, you must continue the conversation to discuss the logistics. During this time, think about questions the employee might ask and have answers for them. This also gives the employee time to process what’s happened and gather their emotions before speaking.

Your employee will likely be upset, so remain straightforward and focus only on the most critical information. Too much complex information is challenging to retain in a charged situation. Additionally, giving too many details may give a disgruntled employee material to file a lawsuit with, so only provide the necessary information.

Here are some example scripts you can use related to different issues you’ll have to address:

Termination script

The company will send your final paycheck in [TIME FRAME] via [METHOD]. It will include [ANYTHING THE FINAL CHECK INCLUDES].

On [DATE], be sure to turn in all company property, including your [COMPANY PROPERTY], at [LOCATION]. Also, at that time, ensure you have all of your belongings since you won’t have access to the building after your last day of work.

Your medical insurance coverage ends in [NUMBER OF DAYS]. If you want to keep your current coverage, apply for COBRA. You can also apply for an individual plan on the Healthcare Marketplace. You can speak to a member of our HR department to learn more.

That covers most of the important information regarding your termination. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them now or before your last day.

Termination script example

You’ll receive your final paycheck in 7 business days via direct deposit. It will include your unused sick days, vacation time, and pay for the remainder of the time you work with us.

On your last day, turn in all company property at the security desk. This includes your laptop, ID badge, and keys. Also, make sure you have all your personal belongings. You won’t be able to access the building after your last day.

Your medical insurance coverage ends in 30 days. If you want to continue coverage with us, be sure to apply for COBRA to continue your coverage, or you can apply with the Healthcare Marketplace for an individual plan. You can speak to a member of our Human Resources department to learn more.

That covers most of the important information regarding your termination. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them now or before your last day.

Termination script for a severance package

We want to recognize the contributions you’ve made to the company by offering a severance package to include [DETAILS]. If you want to accept our proposed severance package, please sign this separation agreement.

Severance package termination example

We want to recognize your contributions. We are offering a severance package of 3 months’ salary and full benefits. If you want to accept our proposed severance package, please sign this separation agreement.

How to manage the emotions of a terminated employee

Terminating an employee from their position—whatever the reason—typically triggers an emotional experience, and the employee’s response can vary widely. You might get a strong emotional response. Prepare scripts to manage these reactions.

Along with the scripts listed below, here are some additional tips to keep in mind.

Be factual. Your employee might be angry or sad. However, you need to stick to the facts. Don’t let yourself get pulled into an emotional conversation. If you also become emotional, you’re likely to say something you’ll regret.

Don’t discuss others. Terminated employees often want to discuss co-workers. They might mention those with similar poor performance if the termination is due to that. Or, they might bring up others in the same department if the termination results from layoffs. Either way, you should only discuss the employee you are meeting with. Discussing others is neither appropriate nor necessary.

Stick to your decision. You need to stick to your decision, regardless of their response. Be clear about the termination. Don’t act like you might give them another chance. Don’t offer to talk to someone about saving their job. The termination meeting is only for informing them of their job loss, communicating essential information, and answering relevant questions. Nothing more. Offering false hope will only worsen the situation for both the employee and the company.

If they begin shouting…

I understand you’re upset by this decision, but shouting will not help. I’d like us to end your employment on good terms because I wish you well. To do so, we need to be able to speak at a lower volume.

If they begin crying…

I understand this is a difficult time. Please take these tissues and water, and I’ll give you the time you need to collect yourself.

If they begin displaying violent behavior…

I understand this is a difficult time, but violence is unacceptable, and you must stop immediately. I will contact security. They will sit in on the rest of our meeting. They will also take you to gather your items and escort you to your vehicle. This will keep everyone safe.

If they ask about another employee…

I didn’t call this meeting to discuss anyone else.

If they state that their performance issues were improving…

Your performance improved, but it still doesn’t meet our company standards. We appreciate your efforts to do better. However, we need someone in this position who can meet our minimum standards. You are currently unable to do so. Therefore, we are terminating your position.

If they believe it’s a case of wrongful termination

Here are a few examples to use.

  • A documented history of performance problems led to your termination.
  • Your termination is simply a result of layoffs. We had to make a difficult decision, and your position had to be cut.
  • Your company policy violation led to your termination. We had no other choice but to terminate you according to company policy.

If they ask why they’re being terminated…

As I stated at the beginning of the meeting, you’re being terminated due to poor performance. Now is not the time for me to go into detail about the reason behind your termination. I want to provide you with the information you need to navigate through this time effectively.

If they promise to do better…

I understand your commitment to performing better, but we’ve passed the time for that. At this point, we are terminating you, and we just need to ensure all of the details are ironed out.

What to avoid including in your employee termination script

You now understand what to say during an employee termination meeting. Here’s a cheat sheet of what you should avoid.

  • I’m Sorry. You might only want to apologize when the employee is being laid off but was a great employee. Other than that, an apology is inappropriate and doesn’t help the situation.
  • Compliments. You might want to use kind words to soften the situation for the employee. However, giving compliments is confusing and usually won’t have the effect you want.
  • A Friendly Tone. You must remain businesslike during your termination meeting. Now is not the time to try to be friendlier to make the conversation easier. You want to stick to the facts and remain professional throughout the discussion.

Additional Resources:
Employee termination procedure checklist

Employee termination documentation
How long do employers keep records after employee termination