2016 STEM grads to earn highest starting salaries

Among bachelor’s degree graduates from the Class of 2016, those from the STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering and math) are expected to receive the highest starting salaries, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers Winter 2016 Salary Survey.

The top three projected salaries are for engineering, computer sciences and math and scBar graph of projected average starting salaries by degree discipline for 2016 compared to 2015iences graduates.

Overall, the average salary for bachelor’s degree graduates earning engineering degrees is projected to be $64,891, up 3% from 2015.

The computer sciences fields follow with an overall average starting salary projected at $61,321. Graduates in math and sciences are also in high demand by employers; overall, graduates in these fields are expected to average $55,087.

However, pay in those disciplines isn’t growing compared to 2015. In fact, starting salaries are expected to dip in five of the 10 disciplines cited in the study.

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