Creating that perfect ‘about me’ page

Writing about yourself can be hard. It’s important to get across to your audience what you want them to know while being concise and personable at the same time. Use your website’s “about me” page as a way to introduce yourself by finding the right balance between your personal and professional side, says Nicole Fenton of 99U.

•  Think about what you want. Ask yourself questions about your future, your interests, what you want your clients to think of you and who you want to surround yourself with.

•  Collect your ideas. Basic facts such as your name, where you’re from and what you do are always good ways to start off an “about me” page. Then describe your passions and your accomplishments in detail. Don’t include every job you’ve held; this is an about me page, not a résumé.

•  Create a short intro. Using a fill-in-the-blank exercise as a guideline, you can create a bio in no time, says Fenton. Start with the rough cut, and then edit it until you’re happy.

•  Bring everything together. Put everything in the order that you like and then take out the parts that don’t fit. Look at different blogs across the Internet for inspiration. Write in your own voice, using conversational words and honest opinions. You can even read it out loud to make sure it sounds right.

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•  Change it if it doesn’t feel right. The beauty of the Internet is you can always update. Just get your about page out there, and then worry about the specifics later.

— Adapted from “How To Write an ‘About Me’ Page That Gets You Hired,” Nicole Fenton, 99U.