7 secrets of success

Success coach Robin Sharma counsels some of the most prosperous people in business. Here are seven of their secrets:

Secret No. 1: They don’t care what others think. Their ideas and self-worth are inwardly driven.

Secret No. 2: Emotions power wealth. Leaders are driven by causes bigger than themselves.

Secret No. 3: Your social circle determines your net worth. You’ll never rise to financial freedom until you surround yourself with bigger thinkers and better performers than yourself.

Secret No. 4: Your money never ex­­ceeds your identity. Money is simply a tool.

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Secret No. 5: Too many great opportunities cost you every opportunity. Focus on fewer goals or projects. Even better: Focus on one, your masterpiece.

Secret No. 6: The moment you become successful is dangerous. The moment you become wow, you think you’re wow.

Secret No. 7: To make millions, help millions. The key to wealth is service.

— Adapted from “The Secrets of Uber Wealthy People,” Robin Sharma, Medium.