Tips to survive the end-of-year crunch

The end of the year is approaching quickly, and you have much to do as 2015 winds down. Follow this advice to survive the busiest time of the year:

•  Send fewer emails. It takes time to write and proof emails. Call people and you will save time.

•  Establish three priorities every day. Do not focus on anything else until you have completed those three tasks.

•  Stick to a routine. You need to prevent burnout, and sticking to a routine will help with that. For example, come into the office an hour early, so that you can leave on time each day. Take a lunch break to recharge. Schedule distraction-free time to focus on your top ­priorities.

Every 90 minutes, for a five-minute stretch, go for a quick walk, or simply close your eyes and breathe. Finally, start wrapping up your day 15 minutes before closing time.

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•  Decide what you will not do. Each morning, take a few minutes to remind yourself of how you will not waste your time. For example, “I won’t review my Fantasy Foot­­ball scores, complain to co-workers, or check email every 10 minutes.”

— Adapted from “66 Time Management Tips to Help You Survive Busy Season,”