3 signs you’re a talkaholic

Being outgoing and social are great qualities that allow you to build strong workplace relationships and make work fun. However, if you talk too much, you can annoy co-workers and alienate yourself from the rest of the group.

If you recognize any of the following signs, your overly talkative nature could be hurting your work relationships and your career:

1. You do all of the talking. If you babble on and on and other people rarely chime in, you are dominating discussions. Allow other people to begin conversations, and when you do add your two cents, keep it short and sweet.

2. You can’t answer a question quickly. If you ramble for several minutes after a co-worker asks you a question and share every detail you know or opinion you have, people will stop coming to you for advice or information. Aim to answer questions in one or two sentences. If you feel you need more time, prepare others by saying, “I have so much to share about that. Would you like to schedule a meeting to discuss it?”

3. People don’t engage with you. Co-workers pop in earbuds, turn their backs or end conversations when you come around. They may even check their watch or look at their phone often as you talk. Worse, they stare off into space, engage in other activities or reply with indifferent “uh-huhs” during the conversation.

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Pay attention to people’s body language and responses. If they don’t seem interested in the conversation, you need to button your lips and let other people speak for a change.

— Adapted from “4 Signs You Talk Too Much at the Office,” Kim Lachance Shandrow, Entrepreneur, www.entrepreneur.com.