Honda issues social media guidelines for its employees

It’s pretty hard to keep employees away from social media during working hours. In fact, some companies encourage employees to use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other networks to spread the word about their work.

So Honda Motor Co., among others, has issued social media guidelines for employees, with a caution: “When engaging in social networks, industry blogs, forums, wikis and other similar sites, your actions, writing and content are not only a reflection of you, but also of Honda.”

The missive continues: “Think before you post, and consider that online comments may exist forever.”

Honda also instructs employees who post on social media to:

  • Use their real names and explain their role in the company when they post anything about a Honda project.
  • Make it clear they are not authorized to speak on behalf of the company.
  • Refrain from posting comments on Honda sites unless they are authorized to speak for the company.
  • Be credible when sharing personal opinions about Honda on non-Honda sites and to consider how those comments might reflect on Honda and on the employee’s position with the firm.
  • Don’t spill any confidential or proprietary information about policies, products, finances or business plans.
  • Be respectful to competitors, customers, suppliers, partners, the company and co-workers.
  • Post nothing if they’re not sure they should.

Contact: Robyn Eagles of Honda, (310) 783-3163.

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