The odds are against you in power struggles with the boss

Q: “My department manager has stopped sharing information with me. I used to be able to point out the flaws in her thinking, but now she keeps all her plans to herself. Even though I am older and more experienced, she ignores my suggestions and seems to want to control everything.

“This woman thinks she’s a good leader, but I’ve told her to her face that she’s a micromanager. I am finding it increasingly difficult to even sit in a meeting with her. How should I handle this problematic boss?” Unappreciated

A: Your manager might be problematic, but you seem to have some problems of your own. You are apparently engaged in an ongoing power struggle with her, which is most unwise. People who declare war on their boss usually lose in the long run.

One likely cause of your current predicament is your desire to “point out the flaws in her thinking.” On top of that, you have made disparaging remarks about her leadership style. Has it occurred to you that this constant fault-finding might make you the last person she is likely to consult?

You may have the benefit of age and experience, but your manager has the benefit of being the boss. Even if she is woefully incompetent, she still has the power to accept or reject your ideas. If you want her to value your expertise, you must stop viewing her as the enemy and start turning her into an ally.

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To become a trusted advisor, you will need to balance constructive criticism with appreciation and support, so begin looking for your manager’s positive traits. If you want her to change her attitude towards you, you will first need to change your attitude towards her.

Unfortunately, many people who become frustrated with their boss wind up killing their own careers. Here are some tips for avoiding that particular pitfall: How to Manage Your Boss