Do you exhibit a global mindset?

In today’s economy, leaders must look beyond borders and develop a global mindset. The ability to broaden your perspective and understand different cultures gives you an edge in collaborating with foreign partners or negotiating deals abroad.  

To diagnose to what extent you ex­­hibit a global mindset, apply this self-test:

Have you maximized your exposure to different cultures? During business dealings with foreigners, how did you act and feel? If you showed openness, curiosity and humility, you possess a strong global mindset.

Do you learn from globally minded role models? If you know people with a mastery of cross-cultural awareness, do you pick their brains and observe their behavior? Even if you’re already skilled at collaborating across borders, your willingness to learn from experienced globetrotters helps you continually strengthen your communication skills.

Are you comfortable venturing outside your comfort zone? If you possess the confidence to walk into a room of strangers and mingle seamlessly, that’s a good indication you’re globally minded. Adventurous personalities try new foods, take public transportation in foreign lands and dress like the locals do.

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Are you a student of the world? Some leaders see the world through a narrow lens. But if you can step outside your familiar framework and perceive the ideals, fears and personal histories of individuals from different cultures, you’re more apt to connect with others from diverse backgrounds.

If you like to ask people about their experiences growing up abroad or their opinions about current events, you gain a window into others’ perspectives. Taking every opportunity to bridge cultural gaps enhances global leadership.  

— Adapted from Being Global, Angel Cabrera and Gregory Unruh, Harvard Business Review Press.