4 ways to speak up and share your ideas, opinions

microphoneYou’re intelligent. You’re competent. You get the job done. But is anyone noticing your great qualities and skills? The quickest way to make sure they do is to speak up and share your ideas and opinions, writes Joel Garfinkle for SmartBlog on Leadership.

Research has shown that people perceive those who speak their minds and act dominant to be competent—whether they are or not.

Here are some tips to help you speak up.

1.  Don’t wait for the perfect thought to come to mind. You don’t need to have the best idea or even a good one. All you need is to join the conversation and make sure people know you have an idea.

2.  Don’t wait for the perfect words. If you toss the thought around in your head, searching for the perfect way to say it out loud, you may miss your chance to speak altogether.

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3.  Don’t give up if someone else says it first. You can still speak up and voice your support for the idea. While you’ve got the floor, you can add to the idea and explain why it’s a good one.

4.  Don’t hesitate to disagree with the majority. Differing opinions add depth to a discussion and considering a variety of ideas helps people come to a better decision in the end.

Speaking up is hard and scary, if you aren’t used to doing it. With a little work, though, you can learn to trust yourself and conquer your fear.

— Adapted from “One simple technique to appear more competent at work,” Joel Garfinkle, SmartBlog on Leadership.