Neat Trick with Meeting Tracking

Are you planning a big meeting with lots of moving pieces: Catering, handout materials, and AV? Wouldn’t it be great to not have to recreate the meeting attendance data from Outlook to do that? Well, here’s how you can.

In a meeting where you were the meeting organizer, in the Show group on the Meeting tab, click the lower part of the Tracking button. You’ll find Copy Status on Clipboard. Click this and then paste it into either a Word document, a composed email, or an Excel spreadsheet. It might look a little messy right now, but here’s the neat part of the trick.

Select the text look in the Insert tab in the Tables group and click the Table button. Near the bottom, you’ll see Convert Text to Table. Select this option and make sure at the bottom that Tab is selected in Separate Text at Voila! Here’s your meeting attendance data all organized. Use the Word sort feature to sort those attending from those who have declined. You’ll see it in Table Tools contextual tab labeled Layout.

If you paste the data into Excel, it should paste already separated into columns and rows. Now you can use Excel’s sort and filter features to manage the data.