How to assert your credibility

Affirm your credibility in a meeting with these five tactics:

1.  Strike doubt-casting expressions from your speech. Examples: “Hopefully,” “Don’t you think that …?” or “Isn’t it correct that …?”

2.  Keep your posture straight or tilted slightly forward. Take a seat at the table, not on the outskirts of it. Drop the pitch of your voice.

3.  Jump into the conversation, rather than waiting to be called on. If you wait for a long pause in order to assert your opinion, you may be overlooked.

4.  Instead of filling any gaps with an “um” or “you know,” stay silent. A pause in your speech conveys confidence.

Tough Talks D

5.  Ask questions such as, “Could you expand on that?” It lets others speak, but keeps the spotlight on you.

— Adapted from Priorities, Franklin Covey Co.