Tap into these elder care resources

In recognition of National Family Caregiver Month, we offer these online resources for those caring for elders:

Administration on Aging (www.aoa.gov): The Elder and Families section includes elder rights, nutrition and Alzheimer’s resources.

• AARP Caregiver/Family Support (www.aarp.org/families/).

• Caregivers Support (www.caregivers.com): Includes newsletters and online discussions.

• Eldercare Locator (www.eldercare.gov): A service of the Administration on Aging, the locator connects older Americans and their caregivers with local support resources. The goal: to help older persons live independently.

• Children of Aging Parents (www.caps4caregivers.org): Provides reliable information, referrals and support.

Medicare (www.medicare.gov): Prescription drug coverage options, hospital comparisons and health-plan options.

• National Family Caregivers Association (www.nfcacares.org).