Sample Policy: Absenteeism/tardiness

The following sample policy was excerpted from The Book of Company Policies, published by HR Specialist, © 2007. Edit for your organization’s purposes.


“The company expects all employees to assume diligent responsibility for their attendance and promptness. Regular and prompt attendance is essential to the success of the company and the satisfaction of our customers.

“If you are unable to report to work, you must notify your supervisor or department head no later than 30 minutes before your start time on each day of your absence. If you leave a voice mail message for your supervisor or department head concerning your absence, a personal follow-up call must be made by noon on the same day of the absence. Failure to properly notify the company of your absence will result in an unexcused absence.

“It is equally important for all employees to report to work on time and to return from lunch and breaks in a timely manner.

“Absenteeism or tardiness that is unexcused or excessive in the judgment of the company is grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination.”