Majority of AstraZeneca employees take advantage of flex time

Few organizations can boast that 90% of their employees use flexible work arrangements. Yet the majority of employees at AstraZeneca’s Wilmington, DE, headquarters use flexible work options ranging from compressed workweeks and part-time schedules to telecommuting and job sharing.

“It gives people control over when and where they do work,” says Andrea Moselle, the company’s work/life senior manager.

Flexible options are available to the company’s 12,400 employees nationwide, and formal arrangements aren’t required.

Employees can choose their arrangements. Job sharing is a popular option for employees in field sales, while commuters who work at headquarters can tailor their schedules around rush hours. “People use it in a lot of different ways,” says Moselle.

She says flexible work options help with retention and recruitment. 

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District sales manager Carol Richards, who shared a job with a co-worker for a while after giving birth, agrees.  “I think what you get when you allow job shares is … a tremendous amount of loyalty,” Richards says.

Contact: Andrea Moselle, work/life senior manager,