Criteria for ’employee of the month’ awards

Question: What criteria (or what procedures) do other companies use to select their ‘Employee of the Month’ or other similar awards?” — Ron

Editor’s Note: Looking for more advice on low-cost employee incentives, meaningful employee recognition programs, and inspiring employee awards? — Get our FREE special report, 12 Ways to Optimize Your Employee Benefits Program, now!


We do Teams on the month. We have certain monthly goals that a team must meet. These are set and the teams know their goals. We do medical billing so it might be how much they can collect for the month, a low percent of denials, something like that. Then at the end of the quarter the team that was over their goals gets recognized in our staff meeting. Everyone on the team gets balloons to have that their desk. Then the team gets lunch one day during the month. If more than one team gets their goals, the one with the most percentage over their goals gets the lunch. We also do perfect attendance for the quarter and everyone that has perfect attendance for the past quarter will get lunch also. We just did the final quarter of 2005 and had lunch yesterday. If people want a free lunch they will get here on time and not call in sick. Hope that helps you with some ideas.

I administer the recognition programs for the large credit union I work for, and we have a monthly “Hall of Fame” award program that recognizes up to four individual employees (plus one “team”) each month. Here are the criteria:

Nominations may be made by any employee. All non-supervisory full-time and part-time employees are eligible for nomination.

BP Handbook D

Nominations must specifically identify ways in which the candidate contributes to the organization’s mission statement and goals by:

– providing the highest quality of service
– cross-selling additional services
– making a personal effort to “go the extra step”
– treating each person professionally — with warmth, courtesy, and respect

Nominations must include written substantiation of nomination using the on-line nomination form. The criteria that must be included in the nomination is listed under the categories as follows:

Describe outstanding sales contributions that have been made toward department and/or organizational goals and provide statistical data. Provide specific examples of how the highest quality of service was achieved above and beyond normal expectations.

Identify exceptional assistance given in support of another staff member or department, or in the area of sales/service contributions.

Describe outstanding achievement made by two or more employees working together to accomplish exceptional results in sales/service or support.

We are a local government organization and award employees on a quarterly basis based on the City’s “VALUES”.

V- Very Service Oriented
A- Assumes Responsibility
L- Looks for Innovation
U- Uses Open Communication
E- Everyone Counts
S- Supports Team Chandler

Anonymous nomination forms are sent to an Employee Recognition Committee that is responsible for choosing quarterly award winners by the value of the nomination write-up. Another form of award is for Employee Excellence which honors individuals who have made an important contribution during the preceding quarter. Award winners receive certificates, gift cards, and the Employee Excellence winners also get a reserved parking spot and a City logo watch. These awards are always presented at our quarterly business meetings in the presence of all of their co-workers.

We usually have one Employee of the Month (EOM) who can be nominated by any employee. All staff is eligible. A nomination form is completed and submitted to the EOM Committee for consideration based on criteria in one or more of the following areas:

(A) Outstanding level of work performance occurring in at least the last 90 days (see # 1 below);

(B) Special contribution(s) to this agency (see # 2 below);

(C) Exemplifying the mission of the agency

(D) Special rapport with other staff or clients (see #3 below);

(E) Dedication and professionalism in representing this agency (see # 4 below);

(F) Cooperation in his/her daily routine at this agency.

Explanations must be very specific by completing questions similar to the ones below:

1. How does this employee exemplify this agency’s characteristics, specifically within the last 90 days (what has he/she done)?

2. What (or how) has this employee contributed to the success of other staff?

3. What are some examples you could give regarding this employee’s interaction (exceptional rapport) with clients and/or colleagues?

4. How has he/she enhanced the public image of this agency?

The EOM receives a day off with pay and a designated parking space for the month.