How do I send an announcement using “Bcc” in Outlook?

Question: I’m setting up a large distribution list that I will use to send an announcement. I’ll be using “BCC” in Outlook. What name should I use in the “To:” box? Is there a generic name that I can use? And what name will appear to the BCC recipients? – Chierile


I do this all the time with the media and such.

You don’t put anything in the TO box. Just in the BCC. That’s all you need.

Your recipients will see nothing


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Just use your name/email address in the To line. I believe that’s the standard thing to do.

You don’t have to put any name in the “To” box. If you leave it blank and just type the names in the “BCC” box, it will show up empty in the received e-mail. You can do a test e-mail to yourself to see what it will look like to recipients.

You can put your name in the TO box and then drop down to the BC box and add your distribution list. I do this all the time when sending distribution lists. Hope this helps.

When I send to a distribution list I put my name in the TO: field so the reader sees:

From: Elaine
To: Elaine
Subj: Admin Pro Forum

The “B” in “BCC” means Blind. The whole thing means blind carbon copy. You can use the BCC when you don’t want recipients to see who all the emails was sent to. If you use a distribution list, in the BCC they won’t see anything. It’s not necessary to put anything in the TO button, cause technically the bcc part is also a “to” button. But if you like, you can put it to yourself and then track that. Like when you sent the email as proof of correspondence, but it’s not necessary cause you can save it from your sent folder. Hope this helps.

send it to yourself at your email and BCC everyone else. That also allows you to prove what you sent when and to whom.

I use “Undisclosed-Recipient:;” in the “To” field, this alerts the receiver that the e-mail was sent to several people and it keeps everyone’s e-mail addresses private. I also use “;;;;” in the “To” field, it works the same.

I have always used my own address in the “to” field when doing this.

Thank you all for the great information – I can now send my BCC with confidence.

I send out BCC emails to our membership (over 400) all the time. In my address book I created a listing under the name ‘*** Members’ and used my own email address. When I send the email I use ‘*** Members’ in the “To” line and “BCC” all the members’ addresses. That way when the members receive their email they know its from an organization they belong to and not just more spam. They don’t see the whole list of BCC email addresses. I also use this technique for ‘Local Media’ and ‘*** Directors’.